Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

scandal jepang


Scandal (stylized SCANDAL) is a Japanese pop group. Proclaiming
themselves as “The Most Powerful Japanese Girlie Pop Rock”, they are
composed of four high school girls from Osaka, Japan: Haruna Ono,
Tomomi Ogawa, Mami Sasazaki, and Rina Suzuki. Scandal is very
energetic, mostly due to the fact that Ono, the eldest and leader of
the band, shares lead vocals with the other three members, in order to
not have a focus on one girl in particular and to give each time in the

Aug.2006, a brand new Rock band “SCANDAL” as formed
with bright and talented four high school girls in Osaka, Japan. Every
weekend since, SCANDAL has been very actively performing at SHIROTEN, a
sacret place for street live performance at Osaka Castle Park. Time
goes and SCANDAL starts to get offers from clubs and music halls around
Osaka and Kyoto.

Eventually, more than one hundred fans
constantly appear for every single live performance of SCANDAL on
street, and positive rumors and the band recognition spread to Nation
wide that people in Tokyo start to talk about SCANDAL. On Aug.2007,
SCANDAL grabbed the opportunity to participate the special event at
Shibuya Club Asia, a most recognized and respected club with the long
history in Shibuya, a center of new cultures in Japan. During the
SCANDAL’s first trip to Tokyo, they were invited to the radio show as
guest artists and also some University Fest. invited SCANDAL for the
stage. As an Indies band with unreleased songs, SCANDAL unusually and
rapidly penetrate into not only the music industry but into the local
community as well.

In the upcoming year 2008, SCANDAL will dive
into the world of Japanimation and each member turns into an animated
character. And the animated SCANDAL will drive the series of short
animation movie on the internet. And more to come, on March 3rd, the
girls day, the most awaited first original sound source of SCANDAL will
officially be released. Right after the release, SCANDAL will depart
for “Japan Nite US tour 2008″, and the US biggest Convention event,
“Sakura-Con 2008″ from March 16 to March 30. The second CD on April 4th
and the third on May 5th are now already schedule to be released in
three consecutive months. And the SCANDAL’s domestic Summer tour is now
planed to be in action.

Japanese girlie Pop Rock band of the next generation is about to take off from Osaka to the World.

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Your Text

Written by b0cah
May 05, 2009 at 07:00 AM
Chocolate KAMU semua tentu menyukai makanan cokelat, bukan? Nah diantara macam ragam makanan coklat, pernahkah kamu mendapati “coklat putih”? Kok aneh sekali namanya sudah “coklat” koq berwarna putih? Sebenarnya apakah “coklat putih” itu? Apakah juga mengandung “coklat”?

Cacao+to+Chocolate Sebelumnya kamu harus membedakan maksud “makanan coklat”/chocolate dengan warna “coklat”. Yang dimaksud “makanan coklat” adalah makanan yang berasal dari biji cacao, kebetulan dalam bahasa Indonesia, makanan cokelat itu berwarna “coklat”.

“Coklat putih” itu berasal dari lemak biji cacao tadi. Jadi sama sekali tidak mengandung “coklat” namun memiliki bentuk dan karakter yang serupa dengan coklat. Dalam proses pembuatannya lemak itu di campur dengan susu dan gula dan akhirnya menjadi “coklat putih” tadi. Beberapa permen “coklat putih” juga dibuat dari lemak hewan.

nestlechocolate2 Dari sisi kesehatan, coklat mengandung kafein, sementara “mentega cocoa”/coklat putih banyak mengandung lemak sangat jenuh. Keduanya merupakan kandungan yang “mengancam” kesehatan tubuh kamu.

Ayo, nikmati makanan coklat kesukaan kamu, asal jangan berlebihan ya?***

(dari berbagai sumber)

(foto istimewa)